Application of colored, acrylic, water-repellent render for preparation of smooth surfaces
MARMOCRYL Fine Acrylic, water-repellent render. Smooth finish
FLEX-PRIMER High-quality, acrylic, water-based primer
PL-BOND Render adhesion primer
The overlay of a building’s facade consists of it’s characteristic architectural features. Therefore, they must present an aesthetically pleasing finish and, at the same time, be resistant to adverse weather conditions.
The use of MARMOCRYL Fine to create a decorative wall render with a fairly smooth final surface is the ideal solution. It is a ready-to-use, pasty, acrylic render. It consists of aggregates of special particle size granulation, to form a smooth decorative surface. It offers the following benefits:
- High elasticity and excellent bonding to the substrate.
- Total water-repellency acc. to DIN 52617.
- Excellent vapor permeability.
- No need for facade painting.
- Resistance to alkalis according to DIN 18556.
- Cracking prevention unlike ordinary cement-lime renders.
- Simplifies and makes the application faster.
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor application.
MARMOCRYL Fine is used as the finishing coat of plastering works, to create a white or colored, water-repellent smooth finish surface (thin layer). It can be applied on all kinds of building materials like render, concrete, cement boards, gypsum boards etc. Suitable for outdoor and indoor applications. It replaces the final render coat.
According to the particle size of the aggregates it is available in 4 types: MARMOCRYL Fine 1 mm, MARMOCRYL Fine 1,5 mm, MARMOCRYL Fine 2 mm and MARMOCRYL Fine 3 mm.
Preparation of the substrate
The substrate must be dry and free of dust, oily or loose materials etc. Priming follows, using the special primer FLEX-PRIMER. Smooth or non adsorptive surfaces should be primed with PL-BOND. MARMOCRYL Fine is applied after the primer has dried.
MARMOCRYL Fine should be thoroughly stirred before application. The render is applied by hand, using a smooth stainless metallic spatula, or with a plastering machine. While still fresh (approx. after 20 minutes) the render is treated (pressed) by plastic spatula. Working time depends on substrate’s absorptivity and ambient temperature.
Consumption: The consumption depends on the type of the render:
MARMOCRYL Fine 1 mm = 1,8 kg/m2.
MARMOCRYL Fine 1,5 mm = 2,7 kg/m2.
MARMOCRYL Fine 2 mm = 3,2 kg/m2.
MARMOCRYL Fine 3 mm = 5,0 kg/m2.
- Temperature during application should be between +50C to +350C.
- MARMOCRYL Fine while it is still fresh should be protected from high temperatures, rain and frost.
- Consult the usage risks and safety advice written on the bag.